Search results for "reader revenue"

How publishers are rethinking audience in a user-first world
On September 25, Vox Media acquired New York Media — the company behind my former employer, New York Magazine. Vice Media acquired Refinery29 on October 2. And five days after…

DCN’s must reads: week of September 12, 2019
Here are some of the best media stories our team has read so far this week: The New York Times | How Apple’s Apps Topped Rivals in the App Store…

Predicting conversion: Mastering the complex variables of user behavior
When a visitor comes to your site: Who’s most likely to take the action you want and who’s not? And what would you do differently if you knew the answer to that question? Because the answers are critical for subscription success.

How people find news and what they’ll pay for
While consumers look to reputable news organizations and quality brands for trusted news and information, many still use search, social media, and aggregators to find and consume news content. In fact, consumers regularly take a number of different paths to access news content.

Subscriptions make sense. But how many will consumers pay for?
It’s no secret: In the coming year, readers will run up against more memberships, more pleas for donations, and more paywalls. In short, more opportunities for money to escape their wallets to bolster media outlets they have previously accessed free of charge. But with ever more subscription-based offerings, do publishers need to worry about subscription fatigue?

Top 7 media trends in 2019
As the year comes to a close, we always get the reflexive compulsion to look back and take stock of what happened and consider what’s to come. And this year truly brought a sea change on a number of fronts in digital publishing.

Why publishers see a future in a DTC/advertising hybrid model
After a brief hibernation, the era of direct-to-consumer revenue (DTC) is back and booming. It’s a far cry from the distant days of 2016 —when nearly every news publisher was rushing headlong into distributed publishing on social channels, relying primarily on the reach of the platforms and their ad networks to deliver significant revenue.

6 key takeaways from the Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2018
This year’s Reuters Institute Digital News Report contains some signs of hope for the news industry. According to the report, “Change is in the air with many media companies shifting models towards higher quality content and more emphasis on reader payment.” However, as the report points out, these emerging trends are fragile, unevenly distributed, and are emerging in the wake of many years of digital disruption, which has undermined both consumer and publisher confidence.

AI content licensing lessons from Factiva and TIME
Content licensing has long been an important revenue stream for digital media companies. For decades, it allowed publishers to monetize their content by granting rights for others to republish or…

2025: The year to reclaim audiences and build community
Understanding the difference between having an audience and building a community isn’t just semantics—it’s a strategic necessity. With social referral traffic declining, third-party cookies being (semi) deprecated, and generative AI…

Gen Z is changing the media landscape. Can you keep up?
The news may have started as a print business, but over time, it’s morphed into television, radio, and all things digital. In fact, The New York Times derived more than…

6 verticals in 1 app: inside New York Magazine’s new app strategy
Apps are hot again. After the boom in investment in interactive publisher apps in the early 2010s failed to produce much in terms of audience growth or return on investment,…