Search results for "reader revenue"

Updated Love My Shape App Should Inspire Some Creative Marketing Exercises
Just this week, new research from The CMO Council and IBM found that advertising budgets are rising—but so are marketers’ expectations. According to the research, marketers recognize the ability of digital to align with every stage of the buyer’s journey and plan to invest accordingly. They are also increasingly experimental, exploring a wide range of channels and tactics to connect with buyers. This doesn’t surprise John Balen, Shape’s Associate Publisher, Marketing who has watched this trend develop over the past several years: Marketers want new and exciting ways to engage potential buyers.

Bon Appétit and Epicurious Cater to Marketers and Consumers with Buy Ingredients Button
With its unique perspective on food as part of an overall lifestyle – “life through the lens of food,” – it makes sense that the team at Bon Appétit is always on the lookout for innovative ways to cater to its customers’ needs and evolving expectations. Epicurious, its sister site, is no stranger to digital innovation—with its popular app and ever-expanding range of interactive tools and video content. Together, these brands make-up Condé Nast’s Food Innovation Group, which was formed a year ago to offer advertisers both brand equity and scale.

The Power of Intent in Next Gen Digital Media
Consumers today have an unprecedented amount of choice — where they get information, where they shop, what device they use. This gives marketers infinite options on the places they can go to target eyeballs, demographics and customers and, paired with advertising technology. And it’s rendering certain publisher brands almost irrelevant. Never before has it been so important to truly differentiate yourself as a publisher. It’s no secret that many companies’ whose main offering is journalism are struggling to avoid becoming the next Internet failure.

Interview with Robbie Kellman Baxter—author of The Membership Economy
A decade ago, DCN’s Editorial Director, Michelle Manafy, wrote an article about American Express’s campaigns around membership and how they used the concept of “membership” to create a clear value proposition. Having coined the business term “Membership Economy,” Robbie Kellman Baxter found a kindred spirit in Michelle. And, during a recent conversation, the two covered a broad range of topics, some of which we hope will be useful to the members of our community. Here are a few highlights from that discussion…

Apple’s Growing Power in Mobile News
For most of its life, Apple was about hardware: computers, then iPods, iPhones, iPads and the Watch. But along the way, Apple also delved into software but mainly tried to be a platform for content (think iTunes). Now it’s moving in a new direction, putting more emphasis on news curation with its coming News app and offering up mobile ad-blocking in Safari—two moves that have publishers scratching their heads.

Re/code + Vox: Lessons on Being a Big Fish
There’s an old adage that sometimes it’s better to be a big fish in a small pond rather than a small fish in the ocean. The technology news industry is an example of this. Rather than leading to a debate about whether it was the right or wrong decision for Re/code and Vox to merge, the discussion that’s evolved has more to do with the hard realities of what’s necessary for journalistic enterprises to stay afloat.

3 Predictions for Post-GigaOm Tech Publishing
In January, AOL shuttered both Joystiq and TUAW, combining both sites with Engadget. In February, ReadWrite was sold off by SAY Media. And, most recently, GigaOm abruptly stopped publishing. The shutdown was so sudden that many of its reporters were still covering the launch of Apple Watch when they received word. Each of these situations is unique, of course, but they demonstrate some of the challenges inherent to tech publishing today. To survive, publishers have to recognize the direction the industry is headed.

DCN’s Recommended Reading: Week of April 9, 2015
Click to see all our recommended industry reads.

Three Tech Day Takeaways
At our Digital Content Next members-only Tech Day, held April 2 at the Time and Life building in NYC, topics included dealing with cyber security threats, how to make decisions about moving into the Hybrid Cloud and how to respond to the challenges brought on by viewability and ad blocking. This event brought together senior-level technology executives from our member companies to learn, network and share common experiences from their respective – and sometimes very different – businesses among them Slate, CBS Interactive, AP, Forbes,, Everyday Health, and Hearst.

How Promiscuous Should Publishers Get with Content on Social?
The mantra for digital has always been to serve the news and information where people are, on their schedules, when they want it. So the question now is how far should publishers go to serve them? Some publishers are pushing the envelope, figuring that creating original content on social media will bring in more attention, more eyeballs and perhaps more chance to distribute native ads—even if that flies in the face of so many social media editors.

Why The Future of Data Journalism Is… Less Data
photo credit: r2hox “Data is the new oil.” That is the modern maxim across a host of industries. From shopping to shipping, businesses are being urged to gain better insight…

With its Relaunch, Rodale Shows Off its New Flexible Core
Readers of know that improving your flexibility offers wide-ranging and long-term benefits to one’s health. And according to Beth Buehler, SVP of Digital Operations for Prevention parent Rodale, flexibility…