/ An inside look at the business of digital content
DCN’s recommended reading: week of August 18, 2016
August 18, 2016 | Curated by DCN
Our recommended reads from around the web:
- Fortune | Facebook Makes It Clear That Advertisers Are More Important Than You Are (4 min read)
- Shoot | 4A’s Study Finds Discrimination Against Women In Ad Industry Is Prevalent (2 min read)
- The New York Times | Daily Report: Live Video Is Where the Advertising Bucks Are (1 min read)
- Campaign Live | Why is Snapchat investing in ‘old world’ media content? (3 min read)
- Medium | Bloated HTML, the best and the worse (3 min read)
- Mediapost | ‘WSJ’ Makes Changes To Paywall, Offers Guest Passes (1 min read)
- Poynter | Facebook tweaks News Feed to favor ‘personally informative’ stories (1 min read)
- Digiday | Armed with analytics, publishers are already changing their Facebook Live strategies (3 min read)
- Freedom to Tinker | Can Facebook really make ads unblockable? (5 min read)
- AdvertisingAge | Verizon Offered to Install Marketers’ Apps Directly on Subscribers’ Phones (3 min read)