Search results for "reader revenue"

Comment sections aren’t dead (yet)
Comments for news organizations’ digital publications took a blow when NPR closed its online comments section in 2016. Even before NPR’s monumental decision, other organizations including The Verge, Reuters, and…

The rise of tribal subscription marketing
“Democracy dies in darkness.” It’s an amazing rallying cry, a banner that supporters of The Washington Post flock to. As a tool for signing up potential subscribers, it has the…

In the wake of several big name failures, the industry seeks a solid Spanish language news model
2019 will be remembered as a turbulent year for Spanish-language news in the U.S. The New York Times, BuzzFeed News, the Huffington Post, and the Chicago Tribune all shut down…

Publishers focus on the evolution of the business at the annual DCN: Next Summit
At the dawn of the new decade of 2020, DCN members gathered at the Mandarin Oriental Miami January 16 and 17 to network, discuss victories and challenges as media companies…

The state of news subscriptions – and a newsworthy approach worth considering
Doggedly following the pace of the duopoly and facing falling print revenue, they anxiously watch as an increasing number of rivals drop out. And let’s face it, the route has…

Publishers have reevaluated their platform relationships
As 2019 comes to an end, we see that publishers have reevaluated their relationship with technology platforms. According to the Tow Center for Digital Journalism’s new report, Platforms and Publishers:…

Beyond news: How publishers are building subscriptions around non-news products
A welcome consequence of the abortive chase for scale is that publishers, no longer slaves to the Big Number, are diversifying their revenues. News events, podcasts, even forays into long-form…

The Atlantic ventures into new digital waters
When you’ve been in the publishing business since 1857, you can rightfully say that you’ve learned a thing or two about longevity and how to make a product continually appealing…

Local news: Forget national metrics and focus on your strengths
Regional papers depend on building communities based on geography. But younger people prioritize interest-based communities. So, how can local and regional papers build new relationships with digital natives? At the…

Yes, publishers can compete with Google (here’s how)
As antitrust investigations envelope tech giants like Google and Facebook, some publishers may be lulled into thinking that their competition with Big Tech is fading. It’s certainly encouraging to see…

Editorial and sponsored: Has branded content blurred the divide?
With such a large appetite for content in the digital landscape, sponsored content has become a key source of revenue for the publishing industry. But with branded content leveraging the tone and style of a publication, it is critical to explore the role of editorial in ensuring quality content while maintaining reader trust.

Build paywalls, and people will dig holes
People used to be fiercely loyal to media brands. Unfortunately, the same system that brought about the democratization of online content also broke publisher loyalty.