Readers once consumed the morning paper as regularly as their morning coffee. As well-trained hounds would retrieve that paper from the lawn, consumers had deeply ritualized routines around their consumption of news—be it a daily morning hit, the nightly news, or a Sunday deep dive. New research from Twipe examines the evolution of reader consumption patterns and the need to rebuild a “habit loop” in order to create loyal customers.
Pre-digital, many
consumers had a daily consumption pattern that, for example, involved reading
the morning paper. However, when news went online, the product experience
didn’t follow. In fact, most news organizations shifted from publishing any
sort of “edition” to publishing a constant stream of information. To compound
this, it was increasingly disintermediated and delivered on a wide range of
platform and contexts. Readers developed fragmented reading habits and, as
Twipe points out, publishers “failed to prioritise maintaining the habitual
relationship with their readers.”
This report, which is latest chapter of Twipe’s Reinventing Digital Editions research series, was based upon interviews with leading newspaper publishers across Europe and the United States. They analyzed these insights to create “a habit formation canvas for news” and to highlight best practices for forming habits with news products.
Cues, triggers, actions
Citing Charles Duhigg’s research in the “Power of Habit,” Twipe’s research looks at the cues and triggers that foster habits in content consumers. For newspaper publishers, time is a particularly important cue, as many people crave news early in the morning. Location is another key consideration, as forming habits with commuters provides a location-optimized opportunity. Twipe also touts the effectiveness of the popular red dot, which alerts readers to updates in a given app.
Cues and triggers alone won’t form a habit, however. The research suggests that publishers then follow Nir Eyal’s advice and prompt a “very simple action… that is easier than thinking,” such as a click, swipe, or tap that is then given a “variable reward.” This is an approach well-documented in casinos and other forms of “addictive design.”
For publishers in particular, Twipe suggests that “mixing
structure and predictability with the serendipity of discovering unexpected
articles offers a variable reward that powers the habit loop.”
Best practices
Based up its observations of, and interviews with,
successful publishers, Twipe offers five best practices for habit formation
with news products (which it explores in a series of case studies in the
Know the existing habits of your readers
Your content is the key to the hook
Invest in product experiences for the right
Transform your organization
Focus on the right metrics
The good news, as Twipe points out, is that “publishers have
this know-how in their DNA.” Given the longevity of the news business,
publishers understand how being a reliable, regular part of consumers’ lives
builds a deeper relationship. With the right understanding of habit formation,
combined with consistent respect for consumer needs and expectations, news
publishers can leverage digital to regain their role as part of a regular media
Last week, at the DCN Next: Summit, Scott Galloway who is a professor at the NYU Stern School of Business and Author of ”The Four“ and ”The Algebra of Happiness” had a lively conversation with Reuters Breakingviews columnist, Jennifer Saba. DCN’s annual Summit is a closed-door members-only event. However, Saba and Galloway have graciously agreed to allow us to share this session publicly.
Their conversation covers a wide range of topics, in particular antitrust – specifically as it relates to big tech. As Galloway said, historically, “A key step to tyranny [has been] the government being co-opted as opposed to being a countervailing force to corporate power.”
To do its job, “effectively, government has to be bigger and badder than any individual or company – and it isn’t any more.” Amazon now has over 100 full time lobbyists “educating our elected officials … about why they’re not a monopoly.” He points out that “We are in a very dangerous situation in which private power is going unchecked” and in which government resources to regulate growing monopolies is declining while these organizations’ investment in lobbying is their largest area of expenditure growth.
Their discussion also looks at government efforts (largely ineffectual) to rein in the power of big tech as well as to penalize them for their negligence, privacy breaches, role in the spread of misinformation and election interference. They also uncover the source of Galloway’s prescience in predicting the location of Amazon’s HQ2 and he makes some new predictions about shifts in Amazon’s business model.
Watch the full Jen Saba interview with Scott Galloway:
Breakingviews columnist, Jennifer Saba interviews professor and author Scott Galloway at the annual DCN:Next Summit