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Digital outlaws: How Facebook extorted Australia

June 28, 2022 | By DCN

As the world learns from Australia’s news media bargaining code that has reportedly driven $200 million of funding to news organizations, a whistleblower revealed the tactics to try to stop other nations from importing and building on it. This panel featured the CEO of the whisteblower’s law firm, an advocate for the digital future of news organizations, and a member of Parliament working on new laws to create a more competitive market.

Held June 23, 10:45-11:05am ET at The 2022 Collision Conference in Toronto Canada

Jason Kint, CEO, Digital Content Next
Libby Liu, CEO, Whistleblower Aid
Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Member of Parliament for Beaches – East York, House of Commons of Canada
Alex Kantrowitz, Founder & Editor-in-chief, Big Technology