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DCN’s must reads: week of December 20, 2018
December 20, 2018 | Curated by Michelle Manafy, Editorial Director – DCNConnect on
Our picks of the must-read stories from around the web:
- The Washington Post | New media hit stumbling block, scaring away some investors (7 min read)
- Wired | Yes, Big Platforms Could Change Their Business Models (5 min read)
- The Washington Post | D.C. attorney general sues Facebook over alleged privacy violations from Cambridge Analytica scandal (4 min read)
- Digiday | ‘GDPR will ultimately be good for the industry’: Guardian CRO Hamish Nicklin on 2019 plans (5 min read)
- Buzzfeed | The Rise, Lean, And Fall Of Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg (22 min read)
- The Atlantic | What Google’s CEO Couldn’t Explain to Congress (8 min read)
- The New York Times | As Facebook Raised a Privacy Wall, It Carved an Opening for Tech Giants (20 min read)
- Columbia Journalism Review | Jonathan Albright on the new Senate report, and the importance of Instagram to Russian disinformation (3 min read)