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Ad blockers are the new premium target audience

February 17, 2016 | By Rande Price, Research VP – DCN

Marketers are focusing on a newly valued audience segment know as ad blockers. Consumers using ad blocking software tend to be more tech savvy and in the millennial age range. According to a new report published by the International News Media Association (INMA), this premium audience segment offers a new opportunity for advertisers to engage with consumers who care and interact with valued advertisements.

PageFair, which sells services to measure ad blocking and offers alternative non-intrusive advertising to consumers, contributed to the INMA report, “What to do about ad blocking?” PageFair has also estimated that the total lost revenue from ad blocking grew approximately from $5.8 billion in 2014 to $10.7 in 2015.

The INMA report recommends specific strategies for publishers to avoid:

  • Do not use undeveloped anti-ad blocking technology like domain rotation.
  • Do not rely on native advertising since this can also be blocked.
  • Do not depend on advertising partnerships with walled gardens like Facebook or Apple News.
  • Do not refuse to show content to ad blockers.

Importantly publishers need to respond to ad blockers. This is the time to talk to ad blockers, the time to try new ad formats and the time to discover what specifications need to be included in advertising 2.0.

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