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Millennials consume premium news, and even pay for it
November 18, 2015 | By Research Team—DCN
A majority of Millennials regularly consumed paid news content in the last year, whether paid for by themselves or someone else, according to a new study on how Millennials get news conducted by the Media Insight Project, a collaboration between the American Press Institute and The Associated PressNORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Significantly, 40% of Millennials personally paid for news. This study is a deeper examination of a nationwide survey conducted in early 2015.
Some of the key findings of the study include:
- Socioeconomic differences are not a major indicator. The study found few socioeconomic differences between those who pay for news and those who do not.
- 87% of Millennials pay for some types of content, and the most popular services are movies and television (55%) and music (48%).
- Facebook and search engines are still the most common sources for obtaining news, even among those Millennials who pay for news from other sources.
- Almost than a third of respondents (29%) often get celebrity or pop culture news from a national TV network, its website, app or news alerts.
- More than a third (36%) say they often get sports news from a media organization that focuses on one topic (such as ESPN).
- About a quarter of those surveyed (26%) say they most often get traffic or weather information from a media organization that focuses on one topic (such as the Weather Channel).
The study was conducted by the Media Insight Project, a collaboration of the American Press Institute and The AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. The study included multiple data collection approaches, including a web survey and in-depth interviews with small groups of Millennials to understand their news habits.
The survey was conducted January 5-February 2, 2015, and reached 1,045 adults nationwide between the ages of 18 and 34. Study recruitment was completed through a national probability mobile telephone sample, while the main portion of the questionnaire was administered online. The margin of error was +/- 3.8%age points. A full description of the study methodology for the survey and the qualitative group interviews can be found at the end of the report.