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Data-Driven Marketers Diversify Across Channels

April 8, 2015 | By Research Team—DCN

The Modern marketer is a multichannel strategist, relying most heavily on email, direct mail, and social media according to the DMA’s 2015 Response Rate Report. DMA’s research found that 65% of respondents use two or more media types in their marketing campaigns, with 44% reporting they use three or more.  Of the seven key channels examined (Mobile, Email, Online Display, Paid Search, Telephone, and Direct Mail), Email ranked at the top, with 8% of respondents reporting they used the channel in their marketing campaigns.

Mobile represented the smallest sample in this survey,  which the DMA interprets as indicating that it is not yet being fully utilized by marketers. However, mobile shows the greatest promise for growth over the next 12 months — with 73% of respondents indicating plans to increase their usage. The report also finds that the mobile channel is rarely used on its own; 98% of mobile users employ at least three types of media in their campaigns— and 65% use at least five.

The report is available at the DMA Bookstore for $299 for DMA members and $499 for non-members.

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