/ An inside look at the business of digital content
Meet the World’s Most Entitled Consumer
November 19, 2014 | By DCN
Today’s consumer expectations have been shaped by an always-on, always connected, immediate gratification, digitally-centered, app-fueled economy. To explore this phenomenon–and provide insights for businesses–The Webby Awards partnered with Harris Poll to survey 2,000 US adults about their use of digital services. Here’s a taste of what they found:
Food. Water. Taxis. Beer. These days you can fulfill your most essential human needs with the click of an app button—plus buy a whole bunch of other stuff you never even knew you needed. All that easy access is making the average consumer more entitled than ever, with greater and greater expectations for on-demand everything.
The Webby Awards identified this trend and then partnered with Harris Interactive about their use of services and what they expect when interacting with businesses of all kinds. With almost 90% of respondents expecting to schedule a service any time they want, the struggle to remain relevant in the new high-tech service economy can be real.
Read more about “The Four Entitlements” your business should consider when dealing with digitally savvy, high-demanding customers in “What They Expect When They’re Expecting” the latest report from The Webby Awards.