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DCN’s must reads: week of July 26, 2018
July 26, 2018 | By DCN
Here are some of the best media stories our team has read so far this week:
- The Verge | Sen. Ron Wyden On Breaking Up Facebook, Net Neutrality, And The Law That Built The Internet (11 min read)
- Buzzfeed News | Departing Facebook Security Officer’s Memo: “We Need To Be Willing To Pick Sides” (15 min read)
- Bloomberg | Alphabet Gains as Google Ad Machine Powers Past Record Fine (3 min read)
- The Washington Post | Mark Zuckerberg is a horror show. But there’s a glimmer of truth hidden in his latest blunder. (5 min read)
- Campaign |Targeted messaging is only one piece of the advertising puzzle (4 min read)
- The Guardian | Guardian Media Group digital revenues outstrip print for first time (3 min read)
- Buzfeed News | Facebook Said Alex Jones’ Threatening Rant Against Robert Mueller Doesn’t Violate Its Rules (3 min read)
- Bloomberg | Vestager Refuses to Bite After Trump’s Twitter Tirade on Google (1 min read)
- The Guardian | Guardian US teams up with Google and MightyHive to uncover programmatic ad fraud on the open exchange and test ads.txt (3 min read)