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DCN’s must reads: week of April 12, 2018
April 12, 2018 | Curated by DCN
Here are some of the best media stories our team has read so far this week:
- Digiday | Under questioning, Zuckerberg doesn’t help digital advertising’s creepy reputation (4 min read)
- CJR | The Facebook Armageddon (16 min read)
- Nieman Lab | Jason Kint: Here are 5 ways Facebook violates consumer expectations to maximize its profits (4 min read)
- Business Insider | Mark Zuckerberg just renounced a core piece of Silicon Valley wisdom — and it could come back to bite Facebook (2 min read)
- Recode | Full transcript: Financial Times CEO John Ridding on Recode Media (34 min read)
- Axios | The GOP split on handling Big Tech vs. Big Media (3 min read)
- CNBC | Mark Zuckerberg will win by keeping the focus away from Facebook’s business model (4 min read)
- ProMarket | What Makes Tech Platforms So Powerful? (13 min read)
- Digiday | UK publishers are banding together to get clarity on GroupM’s GDPR policy (4 min read)
- Bloomberg | Facebook’s Data Crackdown Has Two Winners: Facebook and Google (4 min read)
- TechCrunch | Sen. Harris puts Zuckerberg between a rock and a hard place for not disclosing data misuse (6 min read)