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DCN’s must reads: week of September 14, 2017
September 14, 2017 | Curated by DCN
Here are some of the best media stories our team has read so far this week:
- The Washington Post| How Silicon Valley is erasing your individuality (10 min read)
- Bloomberg BusinessWeek| Media Companies Are Getting Sick of Facebook (4 min read)
- The Intercept | Make Mark Zuckerberg Testify (8 min read)
- The New York Times | Facebook Wins, Democracy Loses (4 min read)
- Buzzfeed | There’s Blood In The Water In Silicon Valley (9 min read)
- CBS News | Journalist from Mexico denied entry to U.S. for D.C. press event (4 min read)
- Doc Searls | Let’s get some things straight about publishing and advertising (10 min read)
- Quartz | Facebook needs to answer these questions about the Russian campaign to influence American voters (7 min read)
- Media Post | IAB Europe Launches New Push Against EU Privacy Proposal (2 min read)
- Wired | Yelp Claims Google Broke Promise to Antitrust Regulators (3 min read)
- AW360 | Trust, Safety and the Pursuit of Transparency in Digital Advertising (4 min read)
- The Wall Street Journal | Google Offers Olive Branch to Publishers by Relaxing Policy on Subscription Sites
- Digiday | Turner’s Howard Shimmel: Facebook’s not competing with TV (30 min listen)