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Understanding youth’s video diet so you can satisfy their cravings
April 1, 2016 | By Research Team—DCN
Defy Media undertook a study to explore the complete “video diet” for today’s youth. They sought to understand the role of video in youths’ everyday lives, how each source—be it digital, terrestrial, paid, free, new or old—is used, and if advertising impacts use of any particular sources.
For this research , Defy Media partnered with Hunter Qualitative and Kelton Global. From greater Chicago, Raleigh-Durham, and Seattle, they selected 54 youth ages 13-24 years to complete 14-day journals chronicling the videos watched daily and supplying opinions and information on their habits. They then interviewed 27 of these youth in-person—eighteen ages 13-17 in “buddy pairs” and nine ages 19-24 individually. Finally, they followed with an online survey of 1,300 youth ages 13-24 representative of the U.S. population by age, gender, ethnicity/race, and parental education.
The resulting Defy Media Acumen Report “Youth Video Diet” found that video is not just about entertainment. Given its broad content offerings and on-the-go accessibility, video satisfies needs beyond amusement and passing the time. Video is educational, stress-relieving, and helps keeps youth connected.
Unsurprisingly, Defy Media’s research confirms that that youth don’t like watching ads any more than adults do. However, they did discover that “not all advertising leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.”
The report looks at several areas of digital video consumption patterns among young people including:
- The most popular channels for video consumption: YouTube and Netflix top the list.
- Social video consumption habits, with digital celebs dominating social video viewing.
- What times dominate video consumption, as well as time spent on free and fee content.
- Reasons youth watch videos—from offsetting boredom to how-too tips and mood lifting.
- Youth’s perception of advertising and the need to pay for video: They don’t like it, but there are strategies that can help make it palatable.