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2015 DCN Consumer Ad Block Report

January 5, 2016 | By Rande Price, Research VP – DCN
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The 2015 DCN Consumer Ad Block Report explores the increasing threat posed by ad blocking software. The Report examines consumer attitudes toward ad blocking software, finding that 33% of U.S. consumers are very likely or somewhat likely to try ad blocking software in the next three months. Available to DCN members only, the report offers additional insights into awareness and usage of ad blocking software, attitudes towards perceived performance impact on browsing experience, and how perceptions differ between premium content and social media sites.

According to DCN Research Director Rande Price, survey responses often over-estimate actual behavior, therefore a “discounting” formula was applied to attempt to estimate intended install rates. “We estimate about half of the ‘very likely’ responders and one quarter of the ‘somewhat likely’ responders – a net take rate of 9% – will opt out of advertising in the next three months,” said Price.

Additional findings from the report:

  • Experience: More than 70% dislike ads that expand over content or play with sound.
  • Tracking: 68% are concerned when ads track their behavior.
  • Performance: 57% note their web pages load too slowly with ads.
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