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IAB Survey Finds Mobile Consumers Worldwide are Watching Long Form Video
June 9, 2015 | By Research Team—DCN
Mobile screens are becoming more popular for streaming longer-form video, according to “Mobile Video Usage: A Global Perspective,” a new survey of consumers from 24 countries around the world who watch smartphone video, published by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). Whether short or long or in-between, substantial numbers of video viewers report their video consumption on smartphones has increased year-on-year in all of the study’s participating nations, with the most prominent upticks being seen in the U.S. (50%), Canada (42%), New Zealand (42%), South Africa (42%), and the U.K. (40%). This trend is also impacting traditional television viewing across the board, with consumers in China (37%) and Singapore (35%) reporting the highest incidence of watching less TV due to streaming more on mobile.
Among the IAB’s key findings:
- 36% of respondents said they watch videos that are 5-minutes or longer on their phones daily or more frequently.
- 22 % of respondents who watch traditional television regular doing so while watching video simultaneously on their phone.
- At 62%, YouTube topped the list of common ways mobile video viewers discover digital video to watch on their phones. Social media ranked second at 33%.
- Nearly half of respondents overall (48%) said that they “only” or “mostly” leverage mobile apps to stream video on their phones, with the UK (63%), Brazil (60%), and Turkey (58%) leading the trend.
- By contrast, across the survey sample only 18% said they “only” or “mostly” use mobile websites to view video.
- More than a quarter (28%) of viewers across the participating countries said that they often see ads on mobile video that they’ve already seen on TV.