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Examining Publisher Priorities
May 19, 2015 | By Research Team—DCN
More than 500 people from 41 countries gathered in New York for INMA’s annual global conference, and most of the media executives in attendance were asked to cite their most important priorities today. According to a NiemanLab post:
What’s hot: digital growth, mobile revenue streams, and improved data analytics.
What’s cooling off a bit: paywall development, consumer-paid content, e-commerce, and digital alternative revenue streams.
The top priority overall was “future digital growth,” as 94 percent of attendees responded to the survey saying future digital growth was “absolutely critical” or “very important” — the two highest priority levels on the survey. Mobile development was next at 93 percent, followed by 92 percent saying data analytics, and 91 percent answering that improved mobile revenue streams were a priority.
The survey findings were presented during a talk at by INMA CEO Earl Wilkinson at INMA’s annual global conference on May 11. Wilkinson’s presentation is available here.